Keyboard commands

Enter Toggle Play mode
Space Toggle Record mode
Arrow Keys Navigate through pattern
A-Z Playback notes (Set you keyboard layout in Options)
F1 -> F6 Select Octave 1 -> 6
Page up/Page down Navigate up/down 16 rows (1/4th of the pattern length)
Home Navigate to top of pattern
End Navigate to bottom of pattern
Tab Navigate to next track
- Select previous sample
+ Select next sample
Numeric Keypad 0-9 Select Sample 1-10

In recording mode
A-Z Enter notes (in the note column)
0-9 Enter effects (in the effect column)
\ Note-Off (in XM-mode)
Del Clear note
Backspace Clear note
Shift+Enter Insert note (shift notes down)
Shift+backspace Remove note (shift notes up)

Shift+Arrow Keys Make pattern selection
Shift+A Select entire track
Shift+C Copy selection
Shift+X Clear selection (and copy it)
Shift+V Paste selection
Esc Clear selection
* A selection can span multiple tracks.
Instead of Shift you can also use Ctrl, Alt or Command.

In general
Ctrl-Z Undo
Ctrl-Y Redo
Enter Confirm / OK / Play
Esc Cancel




Tracker commands

0 Normal play or Arpeggio 0xy: Arpeggio, x = first halfnote add, y = second halfnote add
1 Slide Up 1xx: up speed
2 Slide Down 2xx: down speed
3 Tone Portamento 3xx: up/down speed
4 Vibrato 4xy: x = speed, y = depth
5 Tone Portamento + Volume Slide 5xy: x = up speed, y = down speed
6 Vibrato + Volume Slide 6xy: x = up speed, y = down speed
7 Tremolo 7xy: x = speed, y = depth
8 FastTracker panning extension 8xy: 800 is hard left, 8FF is hard right
9 Set Sample Offset 9xx: offset (23 -> 2300)
A Volume Slide Axy: x-upspeed, y-downspeed
B Position Jump Bxx: song position
C Set Volume Cxx: volume, 00-40
D Pattern Break Dxx: break position in next pattern
F Set Speed speed (00-1F) / tempo (20-FF)

Extended Commands
E0 Toggle Filter E8 *not used*
E1 Fine pitch slide up E9 Retrigger note
E2 Fine pitch slide down EA Fine volume slide up
E3 Glissando control EB Fine volume slide down
E4 Vibrato control EC Cut note
E5 Set instrument fine tune ED Note delay
E6 Pattern loop EE Pattern delay
E7 Tremolo control EF Invert loop

XM Extended Commands

G Set Global Volume Gxx
H Global Volume Slide Hxx
K Key-Off Kxx: xx is the delay in ticks
L Set Envelope Position * Not implemented
P Panning Slide Pxy
R Re-trigger note with volume slide * Not implemented
T Tremor * Not implemented
X Extra fine portamentos Xxy: x=1: y speed up, x=2: y speed down

XM Volume Commands
xx Set Note Volume From 00 to 40 (hex)
+x Volume Slide Up + + speed
-x Volume Slide Down - + speed
Dx Fine Volume Slide Down D + speed
Lx Panning Slide Left L + speed
Mx Portamento to note M + speed
Px Set Note panning position P + position
Rx Panning Slide Right R + speed
Sx Set Vibrato Speed S + speed
Ux Fine Volume slide up U + speed
Vx Vibrato V + speed





Commands reference

Arpeggio [Range: $0-$F/$0-$F]

Usage: $0 + 1st halfnote add + 2nd halfnote add
Arpeggio is used to simulate chords.
This is done by rapidly changing the pitch between 3(or 2) different notes.
It sounds very noisy and grainy on most samples, but ok on monotone ones.

C-3 00 047 – C-major chord
(C + E + G, or C + 4 + 7 halfnotes)
C-3 00 037 – C-minor chord
(C + D# + G, or C + 3 + 7 halfnotes)

Portamento up [Speed: $00-$FF]
Usage: $1 + portamento speed
Portamento up will simply slide the sample pitch up.
You can NOT slide higher than B-3! (period 113)

C-3 00 103
1 is the command, 3 is the portamento speed.

NOTE: The portamento will be called as many times as the speed of the song.
This means that you'll sometimes have trouble sliding accurately. If you change
the speed without changing the sliderates, it will sound bad...


Portamento down [Speed: $00-FF]
Usage: $2 + portamento speed
Just like command 1, except that this one slides the pitch down instead (adds to the period).
You can NOT slide lower than C-1! (period 856)

C-3 00 203
2 is the command, 3 is the portamento speed.
Cmd 3. Tone portamento [Speed: $00-$FF]

Usage: Dest-note + $3 + slide speed
This command will automatically slide from the old note to the new.
You don't have to worry about which direction to slide
you need only set the slide speed.
To keep on sliding, just select the command $3 + 00.

A-2 00 000 – First play a note.
C-3 00 305 – C-3 is the note to slide to.
3 is the command, and 5 is the slide speed.


Vibrato [Rate: $0-$F, Depth: $0-$F]
Usage: $4 + vibrato rate + vibrato depth

C-3 00 481
4 is the command, 8 is the speed of the vibrato, and 1 is the depth of the vibrato.
To continue the vibrato, just use the command $4 + 00.
To change the vibrato, you can alter the rate, depth or both.
Use command E4 to change the vibrato waveform.


Tone portamento + volume slide [Speed: $0-$F/$0-$F]
Usage: $5 + upspeed + downspeed
This command will continue the current tone portamento and slide the volume
at the same time. Stolen from Noisetracker 2.0.
C-3 00 503
5 is the command, 3 is the speed to decrease the volume.
C-3 00 540
5 is the command, 4 is the speed to increase the volume.


Vibrato + volume slide [Speed: $0-$F/$0-$F]
Usage: $6 + upspeed + downspeed
This command will continue the current vibrato and slide the volume at the same time.

C-3 00 605
6 is the command, 5 is the speed to decrease the volume.
C-3 00 640
6 is the command, 4 is the speed to increase the volume.


Tremolo [Rate: $0-$F, Depth: $0-$F]
Usage: $7 + tremolorate + tremolodepth
Tremolo vibrates the volume.

C-3 00 794
7 is the command, 9 is the speed of the tremolo, and 4 is the depth of the tremolo.
To continue the tremolo, just use the command $7 + 00.
To change the tremolo, you can alter the rate, depth or both.
Use command E7 to change the tremolo waveform.


Sample offset [Offset: $00-$FF]
Usage: $9 + sample offset
This command will make the note play from a chosen position in the sample,
and not from the beginning.
The two numbers represent two most significant numbers of the length of the sample.
Handy for speech-samples.

C-3 00 923
Play sample from offset $2300.
Cmd A. Volume slide [Speed: $0-$F/$0-$F]
Usage: $A + upspeed + downspeed

C-3 00 A05
5 is the speed to turn the volume down.
C-3 00 A40
4 is the speed to slide it up.


NOTE: The slide will be called as many times as the speed of the song. The
slower the song, the more the volume will be changed on each note.
Cmd B. Position jump [Position: $00-$7F]
Usage: $B + song position to continue at

C-3 00 B01
B is the command, 1 is the song position to jump to.
This command will also perform a pattern break (see Cmd. D).
You can use this command instead of restart as on Noisetracker
but you must enter the position in hexadecimal!
Cmd C. Set volume [Volume: $00-$40]
Usage: $C + new volume

Sets the volume of the currently playing note. The maximum volume is $40.
All volumes are represented in hexadecimal.

C-3 00 C10
C is the command, 10 is the volume (16 decimal).
Cmd D. Pattern break [Pattern Position: 00-63, decimal]

Usage: $D + pattern position
This command just jumps to the next song-position, and continues playback
from the pattern position (line number) you specify.

C-3 00 D00
Jump to the next song position and continue playback from pattern
position 00.
Or: C-3 00 D32
Jump to the next song position and continue playback from pattern
position 32 instead.
Cmd E0. Set filter on/off [Range: $0-$1]
Usage: $E0 + filter status
This command toggles the Amiga’s low-pass sound-filter.

C-3 00 E01
Disables filter (turns off/dims power LED)
C-3 00 E00
Enables filter (turns on/undims power LED)
Cmd E1. Fine pitch slide up [Range: $0-$F]

Usage: $E1 + value
This command works just like the normal portamento up, except that it only slides up once.
It does not continue sliding during the length of the note.

C-3 00 E11
Slide up 1 at the beginning of the note.
(Great for creating chorus effects)
Cmd E2. Fine pitch slide down [Range: $0-$F]

Usage: $E2 + value
This command works just like the normal portamento down, except that it only
slides down once. It does not continue sliding during the length of the note.

C-3 00 E26
Slide down 6 at the beginning of the note.


Glissando control [Range: $0-$1]
Usage: $E3 + glissando status
Glissando must be used with the tone portamento command.
When glissando is activated, tone portamento will slide a halfnote at a time
instead of a straight slide.

C-3 00 E31
Turn glissando on.
C-3 00 E30
Turn glissando off.
Cmd E4. Set vibrato waveform [Range: $0-$7]
Usage: $E4 + vibrato waveform

C-3 00 E40 – Set sine (default)
C-3 00 E44 – Continuous sine (no retrigger)
C-3 00 E41 – Set ramp down
C-3 00 E45 – Continuous ramp down (no retrigger)
C-3 00 E42 – Set square wave
C-3 00 E46 – Continuous square wave (no retrigger)
C-3 00 E43 – Set random
C-3 00 E47 – Continuous random (no retrigger)


Set fine tune [Range: $0-$F]
Usage: $E5 + fine tune value
Sets fine tune value for the note; overrides sample fine tune setting.
C-3 00 E51 – Set fine tune to 1.
Use these tables to figure out the fine tune value:

Fine tune: +7 +6 +5 +4 +3 +2 +1 0
Cmd. value: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Fine tune: -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
Cmd. value: F E D C B A 9 8


Pattern loop [Loops: $0-$F]
Usage: $E6 + number of loops
This command will loop a part of a pattern.

C-3 00 E60 – Set loop start.
C-3 00 E63 – Jump to start of loop 3 times before playing on.


Set tremolo waveform [Range: $0-$7]
Usage: $E7 + tremolo waveform

C-3 00 E40 – Set sine (default)
C-3 00 E44 – Continuous sine (no retrigger)
C-3 00 E41 – Set ramp down
C-3 00 E45 – Continuous ramp down (no retrigger)
C-3 00 E42 – Set square wave
C-3 00 E46 – Continuous square wave (no retrigger)
C-3 00 E43 – Set random
C-3 00 E47 – Continuous random (no retrigger)
Cmd E9. Retrig note [Value: $0-$F]

Usage: $E9 + tick to retrig note at.
This command will retrigger the same note every number of ticks specified
within the space of one note, before playing the next.
Where the retrig occurs depends on the speed of the song.
If you retrig with value 1 in a song whose speed is 6
that note will be trigged 6 times in one note slot. Retrig on hi-hats!

C-3 00 F06 – Set speed to 6
C-3 00 E93 – Retrig at tick 3 out of 6.


Fine volume slide up [Range: $0-$F]
Usage: $EA + value
This command works just like the normal volume slide up, except that it only
slides up once. It does not continue sliding during the length of the note.

C-3 00 EA3
Slide volume up 1 at the beginning of the note.
Cmd EB. Fine volume slide down [Range: $0-$F]

Usage: $EB + value
This command works just like the normal volume slide down, except that it only slides down once.
It does not continue sliding during the length of the note.

C-3 00 EB6
Slide volume down 6 at the beginning of the note.
Cmd EC. Note cut [Value: $0-$F]

Usage: $EC + Tick to Cut note at.
This command will cut the note at the selected tick, creating extremely short notes.

C-3 00 F06 – Set speed to 6
C-3 00 EC3 – Cut at tick 3 out of 6.
Note that the note is not really cut, the volume is just turned down.


Note delay [Value: $0-$F]
Usage: $ED + ticks to delay note.
This command will delay the note by the specified number of ticks.

C-3 00 F06 – Set speed to 6.
C-3 00 ED3 – Play note at tick 3 out of 6.
Cmd EE. Pattern delay [Notes: $0-$F]
Usage: $EE + notes to delay pattern.
This command will delay the pattern by the specified numbers of notes.


IT, MOD, S3M, XM, and many other files can be played easily with MPT player, Click the picture to download.
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