roti massala pancakes: Submitted by: john | Date Added: 2 mrt 2021 Ingredients:

3 large chicken legs
1 large onion
3 cloves of garlic
1 tomato or 1 tsp tomato puree
2 Tb Massala*
100 ml water
4 potatoes
4 hard boiled eggs
2 Maggi stock cubes
sunflower oil to fry
salt and black pepper to taste

*Massala is a special Hindoestans spice mix that is similar to curry powder but spicier. It contains a blend of spices usually including coriander, turmeric, kumin, fenegreek, mustard seeds, ginger powder and nigella seeds.

Cooking Instructions:

Remove the skin from the chicken and clean thoroughly (in vinegar or lemon juice is normal in Suriname). Cut each leg into 3 pieces. Fry the chicken pieces in a large heavy-bottomed pan in a little oil for about 10 minutes.
Peel and finely slice the onion and garlic cloves. Add these to the chicken and continue frying. Chop the tomato into small pieces and add this to the pan as well. Add the massala and the maggi cubes and the water and place the lid on the pan.

Peel the potatoes and cut into pieces (half them for medium sized potatoes, or in more pieces for larger potatoes). Add these to the pot and add more water if required. The potatoes should be submerged in the water so that they can cook properly. Add salt and pepper and leave to cook for another 20-30 minutes, until the potatoes are soft. As the potatoes break up they will also serve to thicken the sauce nicely.

In the mean time boil the eggs in a pan with water. They should be hard boiled so it is best to boil them for 8-10 minutes to make sure they are completely hard. Peel the eggs and add them to the pan with the chicken and potatoes, and mix through until they are covered with the sauce.

Roti is usually eaten with kouseband or yard long beans, which are cut up small and fried with a little onion and a Maggi block. If you can't find yard long beans, you can use string beans or green beans.

It is traditional to eat roti with your hands (so make sure you wash them first!). Open up the roti pancake on a plate, add some chicken, potato and a boiled egg with some sauce. Finish off with some of the fried kouseband and you are ready to go!

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